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"The Sultan of the Future and Exotic Flavors"


Şaban Cavlak, the master of BaklavaArt, has always been an innovative and visionary individual. New ideas, flavors, and creations continuously form in his mind. As a result of this creativity, he envisioned the Sultan of the Future: If there were a sultan today, what kind of person would they be? The sultan in his imagination surpassed traditional boundaries, possessing a curious and adventurous character. Their interest in new experiences and the unknown constantly directed them to try new flavors.


In the imagination of the Future Sultan, their favorite fruit would be pineapple, as its sweet and fresh taste would evoke the excitement of exotic places and new experiences. Additionally, the exotic and fresh characteristics of pineapple are a reflection of the Future Sultan's character: innovative, open-minded, and curious about discovery.


Master Şaban designed a baklava for this imagined character that combines the sweet and exotic flavor of pineapple with coconut. This innovative baklava mirrors the creativity and visionary spirit of Master Şaban. Each slice melds the exotic sweetness of pineapple and the gentle taste of coconut. This baklava brings to life the innovative spirit and love for exploration of the imagined character of the Future Sultan with every bite.

Future Sultan - Pineapple, Coconut

SKU: 0012
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