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Fülane Sultan was a woman who loved to appreciate the simple but valuable moments of life, sipping her tea in a quiet corner of the palace surrounded by lemon trees. So much so that the fresh and invigorating note of lemon became part of her most beautiful memories. This baklava variety was built upon this slice of Fülane Sultan's life. Our chef, Şaban Cavlak, preserves Fülane Sultan's delightful memories by masterfully sprinkling the harmony of lemon, walnut, and basil between the dough. This unique dessert offers a taste story seeped from the dusty pages of history and the chef's perfectionist artistic approach. Fülane Sultan's most beautiful memories come alive again with each bite, inviting you to a unique taste adventure.

Fülane in Cold - Lemon, Walnut, Basil

SKU: 0013
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